Well it is Monday and July but the weather is cold and a bit dreary. But I am looking forward to reading my Sunday Paper, The Observer, and my book about how to read novels like a writer by someone whose last name is "Prose". No kidding.
Well it seems I am 13,000 the in Amazon's list of Best-Selling authors so that's quite good then. There are some people listed in the millionth. However, the publishers are not knocking on my door offering me deals. It is a lowly ebook, "Blind Date in Gibraltar" but full of fun and love and desire and intrigue and so on. Some tears also.
I missed "Start the Week" this morning as I had a disturbed night and in the end overslept. So East Enders and Newsnight to look forward to. The politicians are really working for their money this weather. Trying to outdo each in the blame game for the mess the country is in. I am one of the privileged oldies, and feel slightly guilty because of that. Nevertheless, I have worked my butt off all my life so as they say in Glasgow, "Geeze a break!". Hope things cheer up for you and for me or we'll all have to start playing scrabble and drinking Diet Cokes and Irn-Bru. Cheers for Now. Margaret
Hi Margaret,
Love your blog. Just discovered it. Can't wait to give you a big hug on the 30th of August. Boy do we miss your soups and Gerald's bread! Much love,
Jerry and Mari
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