Monday, 9 July 2012

                             A QUESTION OF NAMES

Yesterday was tennis day, a long five hours, on and off because I get uptight, all the time willing a player to win and wincing when he makes a mistake.   It was the Final of Men's Singles at Wimbledon 2012 and it was a great nerve-racking match. Like most Scots, I have always supported Andy Murray in his efforts to go up the ladder in his career.   Don't know exactly all the rules of tennis, but I see him as a trier, a worker, and one who is not easily discouraged, and of course, a WONDERFUL TENNIS-PLAYER! Surprise, surprise when people in Britain generally now can see that he is a likeable, shy and emotional chap who is not as flashy and articulate as many other celebrities.

So he didn't win, but  ANDY joins the other ANDREWS in my Like List.   I follow ANDREW Neil in the Politics Show, and find him honest, informed and amusing, if maybe he gives some left-leaning MPs a hard time.   He can lean on the right-leaning ones any time he likes.   Also I always read ANDREW Rawnsley in The Observer on a Sunday, as he also is very well-informed and perspicacious.   He is a fine writer and excellent at analysis of the political situation of the day.   And don't forget ANDREW Marr - informed to the nth degree in politics, drama, music, rock and roll, you name it.   So it's ANDREWS for me, FAVOURED MEDIA STARS AND SPARKLING PERSONALITIES.

Also I like 'ED'S  There is ED MILIBAND and ED BALLS.   I listen to them both when they give their 'take' on events and find I more or less always agree with them.   

But what's in a name?   OLD JOKE --  KNOCK-KNOCK:   WHO'S THERE?   ISABEL:

By the way, I am now quite keen on 'BARRY', as BARRY McCANN, the editor of 'PARNASSUS' , a literary magazine of MENSA has published a nice story about "Blind Date in Gibraltar".   Wasn't that nice -  GOOD OLD BARRY!

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