Friday, 28 December 2012


We still haven’t cleared up after Christmas.   Presents to stash away or hang in the wardrobe, dishes and plates brought for special visitors have to be re-stored, and leftovers still hanging around have to be eaten or binned tout-de-suite!   So much money is spent at this time of year that it is best not to think about it.   Still a great time was had by all.

Everything seems to be about money in one way or another these days.   Shops are desperate for money to be spent, students need money to live, to party and celebrate the holidays, and if you want to rent or buy a flat you sure must have money.  When I was a child I had an uncle who owned a Pawn Shop (Really!  No kidding!)   Outside his shop was a big sign which said “Money Talks for You a Loan” and at the end of the sign was a big finger pointing to the door of the shop.   It was funny and it was clever   And lots of people used his pawnshop in those distant hard-up days.   Come to think of it, I heard that pawnshops are being much more used again these days.

In the USA they are absorbed in something called the Fiscal Cliff.   It appears most of the Democrats want to save the serious financial situation by putting up taxes for the people who earn most money.   Some say that should be for people earning above $250,000 while others suggest to tax earnings above $500,000.   Then again the Republicans say no to all tax rises.   They want the government to reduce the country’s deficit by CUTTING SPENDING.   Presumably this would be on WELFARE and STATE PENSIONS ETC.   It is a familiar story for countries all over the world – two opposing arguments – two opposite political ideologies.   Watch and listen and hope and pray for sanity and workable solutions to arrive.

Snippets of news:

1.      There is a petition going around in the USA requesting the deporting of Piers Morgan because he has spoken out against the gun laws in America.   Lots of people do not like to be criticised about their culture.   They say Brits are jealous of their American dream.

2.      Mrs. Thatcher was unsure of what to do about the Falklands invasion in 1982 – so it has been revealed today.   Also information has come out today that she discussed ways to dismantle the Welfare State.   Well, there you go!

3.      It will soon be Hogmanay and we will all have to start celebrating and partying again.   OMG will it never end?   I think old Gerald and old Margaret will get into their nightgowns and snuggle under the duvet and dream of how to have fun in 2013.     Grandson Calum and his mother, youngest daughter Maggie called today.   We discussed Christchurch, New Zealand and wondered if it was bigger or smaller than Inverness.   I said NO.   I was wrong as Calum could tell from his smart phone.   Christchurch is much bigger, having a population of 350,000   Mention anything preceded by ‘I wonder’ and young ones will produce their phones to tell you the answer.   What a funny world!

4.      Bought Gerald a weighty tome for his Christmas.   It is a book called ‘Spillover’ written by David Quammen, an American writer.   It is about viruses which can spread from, for example, bats to horses, and even from animals to humans.   I thought he might be interested, him being an animal breeding research scientist.   However, I think he finds the present a bit daunting and perhaps harrowing.    He tells me he also finds it to be intriguing.    Nevertheless I feel quite cruel to be burdening him.   Also he was given a calendar of gorgeous pin-up girls.   Poor soul!   He is after all 86 years old.

5.      Do have a wonderful New Year’s celebration.   And sing Auld Lang Syne to your heart’s content.   Maybe we will look again at “Dinner for  One” on YouTube like Germany and Austria do every New Year’s Eve.   The drunken butler is so funny!  We need all the laughs we can get.   Happy 2013 to all my friends, enemies and relations.

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